Oh man, it’s been a year already…

Well, allright. I have not posted here in quite a while though I have been updating the images on the site quite a bit.

I’ve got a few more to add here, but it’s been an uneventful year for myself and astrophotography, even worse than last year. I now understand why the folks online freak out so bad when their gear doesn’t work (even though they are mostly at fault) when they get clear skies. Very very few available nights this year with tons of rain, wildfire smoke, and generally just cloudy conditions.

A lot of you may be thinking, “did he quit the hobby?” and heck I felt like I did too out of lack of opportunity. I do have some TelescopeLive data saved to process, but to me it’s jut not the same as taking the images yourself. While I enjoy my processing, I don’t get the same amount of pride out of creating it. It’s almost too easy.

If all you care about is the end result I am sure it’s great for those folks, but I enjoy the process.

Until next time, clear skies and stay safe out there!

My first swing at Venus

mosaic from the eclipse 14 October 23


Looking back at 2022