Combining James Webb or Hubble Legacy Archive images in PixInsight
Want to get yourself out of PixelMath hades when trying to use PixInsight for combining NASA images?
Calibrating and Stacking images over multiple sessions
Struggling with multi-night calibration and stacking? It’s easy once you get a look into the software and how it treats data.
Don’t drill into your Esprit APO focuser to add a ZWO EAF!
Trouble with the ZWO EAF and your Skywatcher Esprit APO? It’s easy, no dremel required!
Edge HD 8 Backfocus
Solving the backfocus imaging at either f/10 or f/7 is pretty easy with T adapters and camera adapters to hit the required distance.
Connecting ASIAirPro and Plus with EQ6R Pro
Having trouble getting your EQ6R-Pro to connect to your ASIAirPro or Plus? Totally easy fix!