Holy moly that was a lot of work…

Whew! Finally that’s done. Even though Squarespace makes things super easy with site templates and a GUI driven framework, getting about 2 years of work onto this page was quite the task. I am still not done. I need to add the equipment I used to each image gallery page and stub out some more of the tutorials that I don’t have on YT already.

This site isn’t perfect, but it’s mine and I am glad I took the leap to create it. I hope my friends, family, colleagues, and strangers enjoy it as much as I do. As I said in the last post, I am by no means an expert or even a good amateur astrophotographer, but I hope seeing some of my not so great images helps someone realize that it’s a process and not to expect to get that APOD image over night. Maybe some people can….definitely not me the artistically challenged one.

Regardless, I was so tired this week I had to let a night of potential planetary imaging go, I just could not bring myself to set up all the gear and stay up. While I should feel bad about that, I just don’t. I’ve let myself off the hook because this has absolutely been a dismal season for imaging. At this point in the hobby, I want to create good images, not volume, so I pretty much want to put at least 24 hours into each image.

More data = better images (if you collect it correctly). In order to do that I have to string a good few nights together where the objects are visible, and as the season changes some of those objects go from being visible for 6 hours, to like 3 or 4. It’s just tough to get started on something and have it fizzle out on you.

It is very likely that the fall/winter will be better imaging seasons, so there’s that. Hopefully I will have some nee material for you then. Until then, clear skies everyone.



Could it be true?


And away we go!